Old School Photography, New School Equipment

A passionate photographer working in the industry for over 30 years, Sean Conboy has honed and perfected his craft to combine the best elements of old school techniques with state-of-the-art equipment. This is no more evident than his recent shoot at York Minster Cathedral.


Using a mix of the latest in lighting and digital photography equipment, and his own tried and tested techniques, Sean is able to capture the majesty and grandeur of this wonderful building.

Architectural photography is notoriously difficult to get right, but a sector which Sean always felt a natural affinity to. Speaking to Photo Professional magazine, he described how he began experimenting with digital cameras.

“I switched to a Hasselblad H5D-60, which was the first camera I used that gave me files that had a true film-like appearance, coupled with an amazing tonal range. This set-up gave me real flexibility, because I could use the back in conjunction with my Linhof but I could also work with the whole Hasselblad outfit as well, and I use it extensively in my work. The advantage for the client is that they receive files that are identical, because they are produced by the same sensor, and this gives them the continuity they’re looking for.”


Digital offers countless other advantages, including higher efficiency, cost savings and increased flexibility and usability. As the article details, Sean can place his camera at ground level in a confined space and work tethered, using a laptop to make any necessary adjustments.

Sean also keeps an eye on his lighting setup, recently moving over to Broncolor’s Move 1200L along with Broncolor 88 Para reflectors.


“I’m not really in the business of trying to cut corners,” Sean says. “From my perspective I’m a little like the photographers of old, in that I’m investing in such things as cameras, lenses and tripods that might see me throughout most of my career. The only thing that will change is that every now and again I’ll look to upgrade the digital back I’m using, since these are the elements that are likely to evolve the most.”

Read more about Sean’s work at York Minster Cathedral.
